Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Winter Gardening

Tuesday / March 14

The weather's so wacky that it made the Late Night Show again last night. So warm that Letterman wondered whether "the earth has dropped out of orbit and is falling into the sun." Seventy-one yesterday in New York City, the same in Iowa City. And the same predicted for today. But our state climatologist says not to worry. "If this were to happen a month from now in April, when we get temperatures 20 degrees above normal for a week, then we'd start worrying about what summer is going to bring." So I'm not worrying. Not for the time being. Besides, it's hard to quarrel with the chives coming up in the herb bed, the daffodils poking themselves in the outside cellar-way, as well as the colonies of snow crocus and snowdrops I saw on my way down to the office this breezeless mid-March morning.

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